CSS - apply unique styles to specific nodes based on the class they share

Struggling to apply different styles to the same class when it appears for the second time in the markup using the Subsequent-sibling combinator "~". It seems like there may be a detail I'm missing with the use of "~". Unfortunately, the HTML cannot be changed as it is generated by a CMS.

<div class="root">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="mosaic big">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="mosaic medium">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="mosaic big">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="mosaic medium">

This is the CSS code:

.root > .container > .mosaic.big {
  color: red;
.root > .container > .mosaic.big ~ .root > .container > .mosaic.big {
  color: blue;

Check out the jsfiddle here. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Give this style a shot.

.parent > .wrapper > .grid.large {
  color: green

.parent > .wrapper:nth-child(3) > .grid.large {
  color: yellow


.parent > .wrapper > .grid.large {
  color: green

.parent > .wrapper:nth-child(n+2) > .grid.large {
  color: yellow

Answer №2

Based on the suggestions from other responses, it seems like this is what you are looking for (feel free to provide feedback if it doesn't cover all scenarios):

Just as mentioned before, the ~ selector only applies to elements with the same parent.

Keep in mind that the text isn't turning blue because it's the second instance of .mosaic.big within a container, but rather because the container itself is not the first one. If you want a fully functional solution without relying on experimental features, JavaScript might be necessary.


.root > .container > .mosaic.big {
  color: red

.root > .container ~ .container > .mosaic.big {
  color: blue


Answer №3

Unfortunately, it is not possible to utilize the subsequent sibling selector without altering the html code.

The CSS next sibling selector only targets the immediate siblings of the preceding class. Therefore, in order for this to function correctly, the elements must share the same parent.

Furthermore, the matching on the right-hand side will begin at the element matched on the left-hand side, eliminating the need to include the parent structure.

.root > .container > .mosaic.big {
  color: red

.root > .container > .mosaic.big ~ .mosaic.big {
  color: blue

For an updated example, please refer to:


If feasible, consider utilizing javascript to achieve your desired outcome.

Answer №4

To target specific elements with the '.mosaic' class, you can use the nth-child(n) selector:

.root > .container > .mosaic:nth-child(1).big {
  color: green;
.root > .container > .mosaic:nth-child(3).big {
  color: yellow;

Check out this jsfiddle for a live example: https://jsfiddle.net/andrewsilent/x4t7neya/

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