CSS allows for the creation of fixed bars that remain at the top of the

I am looking to create a fixed bar that is off-center with a scrolling background. The code I have so far either places the bar on the surface but fixes it to the background, or it positions the bar beneath the image and fixes it to the window - neither of which is what I want. I can't seem to keep the "contentBox" on the surface of the window. Any help would be appreciated (and apologies for the messy code, as this is my first attempt at CSS).

<style type="text/css">
body{ height:100%}
#bg {
#bg img {


  <div id="bg">
      <img src="/home/samzors/Desktop/Gimp/skull.jpg" alt="">

      <div id="feed">
         <p>hello world</p>

      <div id="contentBox">

         <div id="linkCloud">
           <p>hello world</p>




Answer №1

If my understanding is correct, it seems like you are looking to create a navigation bar that stays fixed at the top of the screen. This can be achieved by using the CSS property position: fixed. Here's an example:

    #navBar {
        position: fixed;
        left: ; /* distance from the left side of the screen */
        top: ; /* distance from the top of the screen */


    <div id="navBar">navigation content</div>
    <div id="mainContent"> rest of your content </div>

You may also want to add a margin-top property for #mainContent to ensure that it doesn't overlap with #navBar.

One more thing to keep in mind -- when using pseudo-classes like :hover, you only need to specify the properties that are changing. For example, in #navBar:hover, you would only include:

#navBar:hover {
    opacity: 0.9;
    filter = alpha(opacity = 90);

Answer №2

After much experimentation, I have discovered a rather unconventional solution to the problem at hand.

By splitting the bg (background) class from the contentBox class in the HTML code, following cmw's advice, I managed to resolve the issue of the content box being hidden from view. To achieve this, I created a secondary div class called "content" within the contentBox class. This allowed me to display the fixed box on the screen while keeping the bg class scrollable.

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