After discovering a unique method for achieving cross-browser blurring effects, I noticed that the transition wasn't quite working as expected. To solve this issue, I decided to make some adjustments by increasing the transition time and blur amount. This modification resulted in an instant blurring effect, just as I had hoped.
img.blur {
-webkit-filter: blur(30px); -moz-filter: blur(30px);
-o-filter: blur(30px); -ms-filter: blur(30px);
filter: url(#blur); filter: blur(30px); filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(PixelRadius='3');
-webkit-transition: 2s -webkit-filter linear;
-moz-transition: 2s -moz-filter linear;
-o-transition: 2s -o-filter linear;
transition: 2s filter linear;
Is there a specific reason why transition: filter
does not seem to work with blur effects?