We've implemented a CSS style that incorporates dots both before and after a heading to signify the nesting level of the heading:
Although I attempted using LESS for concatenating strings, the results were not as expected.
@entity-dot: '\00B7';
@nesting-levels: 9;
.heading {
.nesting-loop (@i) when (@i <= @nesting-levels) {
&.nesting-@{i} {
&:before, &:after {
.nested-dots(@j, @current: "") when (@j > 0) {
@nested-dots: "@{current}@{entity-dot}";
.nested-dots((@j - 1), @nested-dots);
.nested-dots(@j: @i, "");
content: "@{nested-dots}";
.nesting-loop(@i + 1);
.nesting-loop (1);
The output now appears as follows:
It seems like the issue stems from the inability to iteratively update the @nested-dots
property in this manner. Any suggestions for a solution would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you for your assistance.