Tips for adding jQuery UI styling to elements generated dynamically

I have a challenge with generating text fields using jquery while applying jquery ui styling to the form. The issue is that the dynamically created elements do not inherit the css styles from jquery ui:

let index = 0;
    $('#btn_generate').on('click', function(){
                let tr = $("<tr>").appendTo('#tbl_body');
                let td =  $("<td>").appendTo(tr);
                let label = $("<label>").attr({'for' : index}).appendTo(td).html('content' + index + ':').css({'color' : 'white'});
                $("<input>").attr({'type' : 'text', 'name' : 'field[]', 'id' : index}).appendTo(td);

Any ideas on how to resolve this issue?

Answer №1

Are you utilizing jQuery to style the form when the document loads?

If that's the case, there are a couple of options...

  1. Reapply your initial jQuery styling every time you add new form elements
  2. Manually include the necessary jQuery ui classes to each new object. (Using .addClass is probably the most efficient method)

If I'm not on the right track, please inform me :)

Answer №2

If you're looking for a way to dynamically generate input fields with jQuery, the following code snippet could be useful:

let counter = 0;
$('#btn_create').on('click', function(){
            let newRow = $("<tr>").appendTo('#table_body');
            let newCell = $("<td>").appendTo(newRow);
            let label = $("<label>").attr({'for' : counter}).appendTo(newCell).html('Item ' + counter + ':').css({'color' : 'blue'});
            $("<input>").attr({'type' : 'text', 'name' : 'field[]', 'id' : counter}).appendTo(newCell);


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