Creating Reusable Components for Website Development

Seeking advice on the overall development and design strategy for my website. I plan to use Bootstrap 4 as the CSS foundation for better site design. Is there a user-friendly framework that allows me to create modular components? For example, if I update the Navbar in one place, the change reflects across all pages without manual intervention. What skills should I acquire to code this way instead of duplicating HTML content on each page?

Appreciate any insights!

Answer №1

If you're not well-versed in backend coding or don't have access to it, JavaScript could be a good alternative.

To implement this, you would extract everything between <nav> and </nav> from your source code and save it as a separate file (let's name it navigation.html). With JavaScript, you can then load navigation.html whenever a page is accessed.

In the future, there may be an implementation of HTML Imports available (see: here).

window.onload = () => {
  nav = document.getElementsByTagName("nav")[0]; // Selecting the first nav element on the page
  fetch('navigation.html')    // Supported by modern browsers only
    .then(function(html) {    // Fetch content from navigation.html
      nav.append(html);       // Insert content of navigation.html into <nav></nav>

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