Creating personalized CSS for a Webix toggle button

I have been attempting to repaint a toggle button, but no matter what I do, I cannot seem to find the correct CSS style to override.

The current setup can be viewed at


.webix_el_toggle button{
    background-color:grey !important;
    border-color: gray !important;
.webix_el_toggle.webix_pressed button{
    background-color:green !important;
    border-color: green !important; 

It is clear that the .webix_el_toggle.webix_pressed selector is not working and I am feeling overwhelmed by the number of CSS classes associated with the toggle. Is there a solution to this?

Answer №1

Good news! I have discovered a solution. The CSS class required for the pressed toggle is .webix_el_box.webix_pressed:

.webix_el_toggle button{
    background-color:grey !important;
    border-color: gray !important;
.webix_el_box.webix_pressed button{
    background-color:green !important;
    border-color: green !important; 


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