Creating dynamic "floating divs" with consistent width but varying heights, alignment challenge

Seeking assistance to solve the following challenge:

Description of Issue: We are dealing with dynamically generated "floating divs" that have equal width but varying heights based on their content. The "Parent container" will have different width parameters to accommodate either 2, 3, or 4 divs (in the attached example there are 2 columns and 3 rows) without gaps between them. The order of the divs should go from left to right, always maintaining hierarchical order by numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.

How can we achieve this layout without gaps caused by traditional float methods?

The number of divs being created is dynamic and not limited...

The solution needs to be compatible with IE8 and IE9.

Thank you, Jonathan.![enter image description here][1]

An example illustration can be found at:

Answer №1

Maybe you should explore using a tool similar to Masonry.

Answer №2

A Unique Approach to Multi-Column Layout Using Pure CSS - Compatible with all Browsers

Instead of relying on floating elements, consider using a column layout.

Check out this live demo showcasing a 3 column layout that can easily be adapted to N columns.

For an N Column Layout, create N containers, each with a width of 100/N% and populate them accordingly.

Arrange your dynamic content in the correct sequence to fit into the respective columns smoothly.

Below is a sample HTML & CSS snippet for a 3 column layout:

<div class="Container">
<div class="Container">
<div class="Container">

.Container {
    float: left;
    width: 31.33%;
    margin: 1%;

The JavaScript used in the demo is specifically designed to add dynamic content. It can accommodate varying heights as well as fixed heights.

Just a side note: A 2 column layout doesn't require the same approach. Simply float odd items left and even items right. See example here

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