Creating custom animations using CSS and passing parameters through Angular directives to dynamically transform the elements

I am currently working on creating a progress indicator using a circular design. In this setup, the circle is generated through an Angular directive, with the progress level being passed as an argument to the directive and values extracted using an Angular repeat method.

However, I am encountering an issue where all the progress levels are receiving the same value despite passing different values for each.

In an attempt to update the progress level, I initially experimented with using jQuery's .css function like so, but it ended up assigning the same value to all progress levels:

$(this).find('.ppc-progress-fill').css('transform','rotate('+ deg +'deg)');

Subsequently, I tried embedding the progress styling using ng-style directly into the template, but that also resulted in all progress levels showing the same value.

<div class="ppc-progress-fill" ng-style="{'transform': 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', '-webkit-transform': 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', '-ms-transform': 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'}"></div>

The code snippet below showcases the relevant sections of the code structure:

AppModule.directive("skillWidget", function(){
    var linkFunction = function(scope, element, attributes){
       scope.text = attributes["text"]; 
       scope.percent = attributes["percent"];

       percent = parseInt(scope.percent),
         deg = 360*percent/100;


        $(this).find('.ppc-progress-fill').css('transform','rotate('+ deg +'deg)');

        //$('.ppc-progress-fill').css('transform','rotate('+ deg +'deg)');


    return {
      restrict: "E",
      link: linkFunction,
      scope: {
        text: "@text",
        percent : "@percent"

Below is the template structure:

<div class="progress-pie-chart"><!--Pie Chart -->
                    <div class="ppc-progress">
                        <div class="ppc-progress-fill" ng-style="{'transform': 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', '-webkit-transform': 'rotate('+deg+'deg)', '-ms-transform': 'rotate('+deg+'deg)'}"></div>
                    <div class="ppc-percents">
                    <div class="pcc-percents-wrapper">                 

What could be causing this inconsistency?

Additional information: The circular progress bar design is based on this example

Answer №1

To achieve this, my recommendation is:

  • Develop a function called scope.deg to supply the deg value to your view
  • Implement the normal style attribute to the ppc-progress-fill in the view, utilizing the deg() function we established below for the transformations
  • Eradicate any jquery code from your implementation

For demonstration purposes, I have created a plunkr available here: While it lacks styling, I have used an image as a background for the ppc-progress-fill to make it easier to observe the rotation effect. If you alter the percentage displayed, you will notice the AngularJs logo rotating ;).

In my practice, I strive to maintain a clear separation between presentation elements (HTML and CSS) and the directive code. When working with AngularJs, I refrain from relying on jQuery unnecessarily, as most tasks can be accomplished without its use. This approach facilitated a smoother transition to AngularJs for me.

Wishing you success in your coding endeavors!

ps: For future inquiries, providing a functional snippet/jsfiddle/plunkr/etc. would greatly assist us in offering prompt assistance for issue resolution. ;)

Answer №2

It appears that the $(this).find(...) function operates at a higher level than expected, resulting in all .ppc-progress-fill elements being affected by the .css(...) styling. This causes all directives to display the same value regardless of input.

To ensure that only the specific element associated with the directive is targeted, utilize the element attribute in your link function as specified in the Angular documentation:

element is the jqLite-wrapped element that this directive matches.

element.find('.ppc-progress-fill').css('transform','rotate('+ deg +'deg)');

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