Creating CSS style rules for aligning table column headers in JavaFXML

Is it possible to style columns individually in a tableview?

I have been attempting to make some column headers left-aligned and others right-aligned, as shown below:
| hdr1 | hdr2 | hdr3 | hdr4 |

In my css stylesheet, I experimented with the following code:

#colHeadingLeft .column-header{
  -fx-alignment: CENTER_LEFT;

#colHeadingRight .column-header{
  -fx-alignment: CENTER_RIGHT;

Despite setting id attributes for each column header tag in SceneBuilder using Java FX CSS, all headers end up being center aligned like this:

| hdr1 | hdr2 | hdr3 | hdr4 |

I have tried numerous solutions without success. Could it be that styling columns individually in a tableview is not supported?

Answer №1

To adjust the alignment of the child label within a column header, consider utilizing style classes for better control.

Below is an example using a ComboBox to select the alignment of a TableColumn column:


ComboBox<String> styleChoice = new ComboBox<>();
styleChoice.getItems().addAll("left", "center", "right");
styleChoice.valueProperty().addListener((o, oldValue, newValue) -> column.getStyleClass().set(column.getStyleClass().size() - 1, newValue)); .label {
    -fx-alignment: center;

.column-header.left .label {
    -fx-alignment: center-left;

.column-header.right .label {
    -fx-alignment: center-right;

The use of the combobox above demonstrates how to programmatically change alignment. You can also assign style classes directly to the TableColumns:


In this case, avoid using ids since the same style is applied to multiple columns, which would necessitate additional CSS selectors for each individual column.

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