Creating an XPath expression for selecting multiple siblings of a div tag

Currently, I am working on writing an XPath expression for a specific section of code:

<div class="line info">
        <div class="unit labelInfo TextMdB">First</div>
        <div class="unit lastUnit">
                <div class="line TextMd">Second</div>

I am trying to figure out how to select the second div tag by using the first div tag and the sibling concept. The XPath expression I have tried is:

//div[contains(text(), 'First')]/following-sibling::div[2][contains(text(),'Second')]

Unfortunately, this expression is not giving me the desired result. Can you help guide me on how to properly reach the "second" div tag using the "first" div tag? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

//div[contains(text(), 'First')]/following-sibling::div[2]

At this point, there is no second "following sibling." The <div> that holds the text 'Second' is actually a direct child of the div.unit.lastUnit.

To locate it, you can use:

//div[contains(text(), 'First')]/following-sibling::div[1]/div[contains(text(),'Second')]

Another method that is more flexible and doesn't rely heavily on document structure is to specify that you want the first following <div> containing the text 'Second':

(//div[contains(text(), 'First')]/following::div[contains(text(),'Second')])[1]

However, be aware that this approach may return unexpected results as it pays less attention to the overall document hierarchy.

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