Creating a visually appealing multi-bar chart in AngularJS: Tips for effectively presenting data

Imagine that I have the JSON data below:

            month: "Jan",
            cost: 80,
            energy: 90
            month: "Feb",
            cost: 50,
            energy: 80
            month: "Mar",
            cost: 90,
            energy: 40

I want to display this data as a simple bar chart on my website. The Y axis should represent a scale of numbers for cost/energy, and the X axis should display the month.

I've attempted to create the bar chart using only CSS and Javascript following a guide, but the solution is very basic and only shows one bar of data at a time (either cost or energy in a month).

Here is an example of what I tried:

<ul class="chart" style="width:{{width}}px; height:{{height}}px;" >
      <div class="y" style="width:{{height}}px;">{{yAxis}}</div>
      <div class="x">{{xAxis}}</div>
      <li ng-repeat="bar in data" class="bar" style="height:{{bar.cost / max * height}}px; width:{{width / data.length - 5}}px; left:{{$index / data.length * width}}px;"><span>{{bar.month}}:{{bar.cost}}</span></li>

In my controller:

    $scope.width = 600;
    $scope.height = 400;
    $scope.yAxis = "Amount";
    $scope.xAxis = "Month";
    $ = dataService.usage;
    $scope.max = dataService.max;
// Data service is a factory that returns the JSON mentioned above.

In the CSS:

.chart {
  border-left: 1px solid black;
  border-bottom: 1px solid black;
  margin: 60px auto;
  position: relative;

.y {
  position: absolute;
  transform: rotate(-90deg);
  transform-origin: bottom left;
  bottom: 0;
  padding: 5px;


This current approach does not look good on the page and the Y Axis is not displayed correctly. Is there a better way to visualize my data in Angular?

Answer №1

Consider utilizing a charting tool to help visualize the data.

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