Creating a table with adjustable row heights is a great way to enhance the user

Can the height of an HTML table row be adjusted dynamically by dragging and dropping, similar to how it's done in this demo (, but for free?

Answer №1

if you prefer a demonstration using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript (without any libraries), here is an example:

as shown in the GIF, the size adjusts automatically

This example utilizes the contentEditable API available at

let th = document.querySelectorAll("th");
let td = document.querySelectorAll("td");

[th, td].forEach((elAll) => {
  elAll.forEach((el) => {
    el.contentEditable = "true";
table {
  border-spacing: 0;

td {
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 0.5rem;
    <!-- contentEditable attribute will be added here
         <th contenteditable>your content</th>
    <td>my second Name</td>
    <td>my third Name</td>
    <td>my fourth Name</td>

The output will resemble something like this:

However, if this appears too challenging,

a simpler solution can involve utilizing an online open source library that offers more ease of use and additional functionalities.

You can conduct some research on Google to find one:

All the technical aspects are handled by another developer, your role is to simply import the library, review the documentation, and begin building

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