Creating a suggestion box within an HTML container using JavaScript am currently working on a page where users can click on a word and receive a small suggestion box (like a tiny popup) to choose synonyms they prefer.

Although I believe this can be achieved with JavaScript, I haven't come across any clear examples of how to implement it.

The HTML code snippet is provided below:

I <b class="synonyms" style="color:black;" 
title="love|really like|really love">like</b> apples.

The desired result should look like this (after a user selects a synonym):
I <b>{like|love}</b> apples.

For instance, when the user clicks on "like" in the sentence "I like apples," a small suggestion box should appear with various options to choose from (such as love, really like, really love).

The final output would include the original text along with the user's chosen synonym.

This example showcases how it can be implemented in JavaScript. However, I'm unsure if it's possible to select specific words (since there could be multiple words in a sentence) and customize the appearance of the suggestion box by adding a list of clickable words for selection.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<p>I <b id="demo">like</b> apples.</p>

<button onclick="choose()">Try it</button>

function choose() {
    var synonym = prompt("Choose synonyms:", "like");
    if (synonym != null) {
        document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML =
        "{" + "like" + "|" + synonym + "}";


Answer №1

Although I'm uncertain about the ability to click on specific words (especially when dealing with multiple words in a sentence) and if there's a way to customize the suggestion box appearance and include a list of selectable words.

To tackle your problem effectively, it's advisable to break it down into smaller steps. By doing so, you can grasp the problem domain better and devise a solution. Based on your query, here are some high-level steps along with their potential implementations:

Note 1: This solution is solely JavaScript-based. Keep in mind that frameworks like jQuery are essentially abstractions of JavaScript at a higher level. It's crucial to have a solid understanding of basic JavaScript before delving deeper.

Note 2: Throughout this response, important concepts are hyperlinked for further information and learning purposes.

1) Setting up Markup and JavaScript for Words: Identify words with synonyms present. These synonyms should be marked within the title attribute in the HTML markup as illustrated below:


    I <i class="synonyms" title="love|really like|really love">like</i> apples. 
    I <i class="synonyms" title="love|relish|savor|enjoy|patronize|adore">like</i> oranges. 

To target all words carrying synonyms using JavaScript, create an array of these elements by querying the DOM:


var words = []'i.synonyms'));

The use of querySelectorAll returns a node list which can be converted to an array via array slicing. An array structure enables easy iteration later on.

Answer №2

Check out this jQuery component I developed specifically to meet your requirements.
Feel free to view the demo on jsbin if that works better for you.

//custom jquery component
$.fn.synonyms = function(options){
  options = $.extend({}, {separator: '|'}, options);
  this.each(function(index, element){
    var $element = $(element),
        originalText = $element.text(),
        originalTextSpan = $('<span>'+originalText+'</span>');
    var suggestionBox = '<div>';
           function(key, suggestion){
      suggestionBox+='<span>'+suggestion+'</span> - ';
    suggestionBox = suggestionBox.slice(0, -2);
    suggestionBox += '</div>';
    suggestionBox = $(suggestionBox);
      display: 'none'
      var selectedText = $(this).text();
  function onSelected(selectedText){

// Implementation of the component
    onSelected: function(selectedText){
      alert('you selected:'+selectedText);
  display: inline;
  position: relative;
  cursor: pointer;
  text-decoration: underline;
div[data-synonyms] > div{
  white-space: nowrap;
  position: absolute;
  top: 1.2em;
  left: 0;
  background: #fff;
  border: 1px solid #bbb;
  padding: 2px;
div[data-synonyms] > div > span{
  text-decoration: underline;
  cursor: pointer;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
  <title>JS Bin</title>
  I <div data-synonyms="love|really like|really love">like</div> apples. Carrots are the <div data-synonyms="worst|orangest">best</div> though.

Answer №3

$(document).ready(function() {
  $("b").on("click", function() {
    var $b = $(this),
      choices = this.title.split('|').join('</option><option>');
    $b.after('<select class="selector"><option>&nbsp;</option><option>' + choices + '</option><select>');
  $("body").on("change", "select.selector", function() {
    var $sl = $(this),
      text = $sl.val();
b {
  color: red;
  cursor: pointer;
<script src=""></script>

<div class="text">
  <p>I <b title="like|love|adore">like</b> apples, <b title="especially|particularily">particularly</b> if they are <b title="fresh|ripe">ripe</b>.</p>


Answer №4

Check out my new approach using bootstrap's dropdown feature:

The concept is to utilize dropdowns for words that need synonyms. My method involves manually adding dropdowns for each word and replacing the original word upon selection.

You can structure your sentences like this, with synonyms specified in the data-synonyms attribute:

  <span data-synonyms="love|really like|really love">like</span>
  apples and
  <span data-synonyms="mangoes|bananas|other fruits">oranges</span>.

In the javascript portion, we generate the dropdowns and substitute the existing elements:

$('[data-synonyms]').each(function () {

  // access the current element
  var $this = $(this);

  // create a wrapper for the dropdown
  var $dropdownDiv = $('<div>').addClass('dropdown word-dropdown');

  // establish the dropdown trigger
  var $a = $('<a>').attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown').text($this.text()).appendTo($dropdownDiv);

  // form the dropdown list
  var $ul = $('<ul>').addClass('dropdown-menu').appendTo($dropdownDiv);

  // retrieve the synonyms and include the original word
  var synonyms = $this.attr('data-synonyms').split('|');
  synonyms.splice(0, 0, $this.text());

  // generate an entry in the dropdown for each synonym
  $.each(synonyms, function (idx, syn) {
    var $li = $('<li>').addClass('synonyms').appendTo($ul).append($('<a>').text(syn.trim()));

    // incorporate a function to replace the original word with the synonym
    $li.on('click', function () {

  // swap the current element with the dropdown element

  // activate the dropdown functionality


Answer №5

Check Out This Fiddle

I've utilized jQuery and made some changes to the syntax. Every option is now a span with the class of selectable. Additionally, it requires an options attribute. The options are displayed in the manner you suggested.

A unique aspect of my script is that it omits listing the already selected option and provides keyboard accessibility (try using Tab, Enter, and arrow keys).

$(function () {
  $('.selectable').each(function () {
    var $this = $(this)
    var list  = $this.attr('options').split('|')
    var text  = $this.text()
      .data('original', text)
      .html('<div><span>' + text + '</span><ul><li tabindex="0">' + list.join('</li><li tabindex="0">') + '</li></ul></div>')
  }).on('mousedown', function (e) {
    var $this   = $(this)
    var $target = $(
    var $focus  = $this.find(':focus')
    if ($focus.length) $focus.blur()
    else $this.find('li:not(.active)').eq(0).focus()
    if ($'li')) changeSelection($this, $target)
  }).on('keydown', function (e) {
    var which = e.which
    if (which === 13) changeSelection($(this))
    else if (which === 40) $(this).find(':focus').next().focus()
    else if (which === 38) $(this).find(':focus').prev().focus()
  function changeSelection ($this, $target) {
    $target = $target || $this.find(':focus')
      .one('transitionend', function () {
      .find('span').text($'original') + ' | ' + $target.text())
body {
  font-family: sans-serif;

.selectable {
  cursor: default;

.selectable:focus {
  outline: none;

.selectable div {
  position: relative;
  display: inline-block;

.selectable span {
  color: #F00;

.selectable.filled::before {
  content: '{';
  margin-right: .2em;

.selectable.filled::after {
  content: '}';
  margin-left: .2em;

.selectable ul {
  position: absolute;
  top: calc(100% + .2em);
  left: calc(-.4em - 1px);
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 1px 0 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  background-color: #DDD;
  z-index: 1;

.selectable ul:not(:focus-within) {
  pointer-events: none;
  user-select: none;
  opacity: 0;
  transform: translateY(-5px);
  transition: opacity .25s ease, transform .4s ease;

.selectable ul:focus-within {
  transition: opacity .25s ease, transform .4s ease -.15s;

.selectable li {
  white-space: nowrap;
  padding: .4em;
  margin: 0 1px 1px;
  background-color: #FFF;

.selectable li:hover {
  background-color: #F7F7F7;

.selectable {
  display: none;
<script src=""></script>
<p>I <span class="selectable" options="love|really like|really love">like</span> apples.</p>
<p>There's nothing <span class="selectable" options="in this world|in the universe">on earth</span> I eat more than apples.</p>

We hope this explanation assists you!

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