Creating a proper nth-child CSS for multi-level HTML elements involves understanding the structure of the elements

My current project involves a screen where widgets can be dynamically inserted into the DOM. I am looking to adjust the z-index based on the number of times the class decrement-z-index appears.

This is the CSS code I have written in an attempt to achieve this:

.tblrow > .tblcell > div >  .decrement-z-index:nth-child(1) {
        z-index: 200 !important;
.tblrow > .tblcell > div >  .decrement-z-index:nth-child(2) {
        z-index: 199 !important;
.tblrow > .tblcell > div >  .decrement-z-index:nth-child(3) {
        z-index: 198 !important;
.tblrow > .tblcell > div >  .decrement-z-index:nth-child(4) {
        z-index: 198 !important;

You can view my jsFiddle demo here:

Upon inspecting elements with the class decrement-z-index, they all seem to indicate as the second occurrence.

I would appreciate guidance on properly implementing nth-child so that it accurately selects the desired child element.

Answer №1

Your current usage of the nth-child selector may need adjustment. Consider utilizing the following code snippet for a potential solution:

.tbl .tblrow:nth-child(1) .decrement-z-index {
    z-index: 200 !important;
.tbl .tblrow:nth-child(2) .decrement-z-index {
    z-index: 199 !important;
.tbl .tblrow:nth-child(3) .decrement-z-index {
    z-index: 198 !important;
.tbl .tblrow:nth-child(4) .decrement-z-index {
    z-index: 197 !important;

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