Creating a professional HTML/CSS signature for optimal performance in Outlook 2016

For my email signature, I currently have an HTML coded design that includes a 400x415 dashed line with specific color specifications. However, Outlook Express 2016 is unable to display this element properly.

Despite using inline CSS, it appears that CSS does not function correctly in Outlook 2016. Interestingly, Mozilla Thunderbird has no issue displaying this particular element.

I am looking for a solution to include the desired dashed line in my email signature with the specified colors (preferably gray) that can be displayed accurately across all email clients, particularly MS Outlook.

I am curious if there is a workaround to ensure that Outlook Express 2016 can properly render this element? I want my signature to appear consistently in all email clients, especially Microsoft Outlook.

Additionally, I am wondering if it's possible to style a horizontal rule (<hr>) using only HTML in a similar manner. This way, I believe Outlook 2016 would be able to display the content as intended.

Answer №1

The border property in Outlook seems to be glitchy and unreliable. A better solution would be to incorporate an image with dashed lines where needed instead.

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