Creating a personalized design for MUI TextField spin button

Looking to customize the appearance of the up/down spin buttons in MUI TextField.

Desiring white arrows and a black surrounding area that's slightly larger, akin to this:

I'm aware that adjustments need to be made within

input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, input::-webkit-inner-spin-button
, but I'm struggling to determine the specific properties to apply.

Answer №1

Passing props directly to the TextField component using the sx prop is a simple and effective method:

          "input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button": {
          "input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button": {

If you prefer, you can also pass the props through the InputProps prop of the TextField:

          type: "number",
            "input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button": {
            "input[type=number]::-webkit-inner-spin-button": {

Edit for requested styling

To customize the spinner buttons and their background, consider encoding your PNG button image in base64 format and use it as the background for the spinner:

const spinnerStyles = {
  "-webkit-appearance": "none",
  width: "2em",
  opacity: 1,
  position: "absolute",
  top: 0,
  right: 0,
  bottom: 0,
  overflow: "hidden",
  borderTopRightRadius: "0.25rem",
  borderBottomRightRadius: "0.25rem"

You have the flexibility to style the remaining parts of the TextField as desired based on your existing styles or theme.


View the working [Updated] CodeSandbox here:

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