Creating a multi-step progress bar in Yii2 that showcases completed steps using jQuery

Is there a way to automatically transition from one state to another once the order status changes in Yii2?

    var i = 1;
$('.progress .circle').removeClass().addClass('circle');
$('.progress .bar').removeClass().addClass('bar');
setInterval(function() {
  $('.progress .circle:nth-of-type(' + i + ')').addClass('active');

  $('.progress .circle:nth-of-type(' + (i-1) + ')').removeClass('active').addClass('done');

  $('.progress .circle:nth-of-type(' + (i-1) + ') .label').html('✓');

  $('.progress .bar:nth-of-type(' + (i-1) + ')').addClass('active');

  $('.progress .bar:nth-of-type(' + (i-2) + ')').removeClass('active').addClass('done');


  if (i==0) {
    $('.progress .bar').removeClass().addClass('bar');
    i = 1;
}, 1000);

Check out my JSfiddle for more details:

Answer №1

Give this a shot:

var circles = $('.progress .circle');
var currentCircle = circles.first();
var previousCircle = $();


    var bar = currentCircle.prev();

    previousCircle = currentCircle;
    currentCircle = currentCircle.nextAll('.circle:first');

    if (previousCircle.length)
        setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000);

No need for an extra half class on the bar!

Check it out here!

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