Creating a hover effect instead of a click event in a Bootstrap 4 dropdown menu

Looking to create a hover effect instead of a click in the bootstrap dropdown menu?

Past answers lack jQuery code that can simply be copied and pasted into your script for optimal results. Additionally, previous solutions were written for older versions of Bootstrap, which may not work with Bootstrap 4. For instance, this question is outdated, while the current answer provides a concise piece of code that works universally.

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Answer №1

To create a mouse over event using jquery and apply the same styles and properties that are added by the click event, you can use the following code:

$( ".dropdown-menu" ).css('margin-top',0);
$( ".dropdown" )
  .mouseover(function() {
    $( this ).addClass('show').attr('aria-expanded',"true");
    $( this ).find('.dropdown-menu').addClass('show');
  .mouseout(function() {
    $( this ).removeClass('show').attr('aria-expanded',"false");
    $( this ).find('.dropdown-menu').removeClass('show');
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A workaround to prevent the menu from being hidden after the mouse out is to set margin-top:0 to the dropdown-menu.

Answer №2

Simply initiating the click event within the hover() function will get the job done:

$('.nav-link').hover(function() {
}, function() { });
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