Creating a CSS style that automatically adjusts the font size within a container that spans the full height of the

Issue: I have a container set to 100vh, but as the screen size changes, I want the font size to adjust accordingly and always stay within the container without overflowing.

Thoughts: While I understand this can be achieved easily with @media CSS rules, I'm curious if it's possible to accomplish this without using @media or dynamically.


  border:1px solid black;
<div class="container">
  <h2 class="main">A compelling headline that illustrates a significant concept in a bold way</h2>
  <p class="text">Exploring the depths of something profound while keeping it concise yet impactful.</p>

Answer №1

Try using 'vw' or 'vh' as the unit for font size

  border:1px solid black;
<div class="wrapper">
  <p class="textContent">Something, Something, Something, Something, Something, Something Something Something Something Something SomethingSomething SomethingSomethingSomethingSomethingSomethingSomething</p>

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