Is there a way to make the product list view in Magento much more compact and smaller in size?

My issue is pretty straightforward. I find Magento's product display in list view to be too large for my liking. The images are bigger than necessary and each product takes up too much space. I want to resize the listing so that each product only occupies a single line or two, with a small thumbnail on the left, followed by the title, short description, and price. This way, I can fit more products on a page in a concise manner.

You can see how the site currently displays products in list view with some test products here:

I'm struggling to figure out how to achieve the desired results. I'm not sure which files to modify or what changes to make. I've been researching as much as I can, but I'm not very experienced (especially with coding) and haven't been successful.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Unfortunately, my original comment was too long to fit.

To make changes, you will need to edit both Template files and css files.

For example, in style.css located at , navigate to line 799 and change padding:12px 10px; to padding:1px 2px;

After making the change, remember to hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) to see the result. Alternatively, on line 801, you can adjust margin:0 0 10px; to margin:0 0 2px; and modify width and height to width:80px; height:80px;

You can also add a new line after line 801 to resize images forcibly:

.products-list .product-image img { width:80px; height:80px; }

Remember to update the dimensions of <img> tags in your Template files as well.

If using Firefox, right-click where changes are desired, then Inspect Element to identify the specific element by class or id.

Further Edits Following Comments:

Edit your template files (html with .Phtml extension in /template/ folders) to locate and modify the necessary code.

Refer to this informative page for additional guidance: Click Here

More Insights:

In other systems excluding Magento, it's suggested that the file products.phtml within your template folder may require adjustments.

The relevant code snippet might resemble the following:


To align block elements like <div> and <p> side by side, apply style="display:inline-block" or define a new class in your style.css file.

Consider removing unnecessary <div> and <p> tags to simplify the layout and improve alignment.

Take your time to become familiar with HTML/CSS basics through tutorials like those offered by W3Schools:

HTML Tutorial

CSS Tutorial

Additionally, refer to the Magento Design Guide for more detailed insights into customizing templates effectively.

Learning CSS and HTML may seem daunting initially, but with practice and patience, you'll find them incredibly rewarding.

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