Creating a CSS layout that eliminates the need for a vertical scroll bar

Currently, I am experimenting with creating an HTML CSS Layout using the div tag.

You can view the code here

Currently, the layout displays a vertical bar that I would like to eliminate. Ideally, I only want it to display if the content is lengthy.

Answer №1

If you're looking for a Sticky Footer, try placing your footer outside of the #container.

Take a look at this example:

Answer №2

It seems that the issue lies in the height ambiguity, particularly with these lines of code:

    min-height: 100%;
    height:100%;       /* this sets the container to a full height of the body*/
    height:55px;     /* this takes up 55px of the container's height*/
    /*border:2px solid;*/
    height:20px;   /* this adds another 20px to the container's height*/
    /*border:2px solid;*/
    /*border:2px solid;*/
    height:100%;  /*You want it to take up full container height, but the 75px from header and menu are already accounted for, causing a vertical scrollbar on content expansion*/
    /*border:2px solid;*/


Answer №3

implement this style

        min-height: 100%;
        /*border:2px solid;*/
        /*border:2px solid;*/

        /*border:2px solid;*/
        /*border:2px solid;*/


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