Creating a Border Length Animation Effect for Button Hover in Material-UI

I'm currently exploring Material-UI and trying to customize a component. My goal is to add a 'Border Length Animation' effect when hovering over the button. Unfortunately, I have yet to successfully implement this animation as intended.

For reference, you can check out this example:

If you'd like to view the complete code, it's available on CodeSandbox:

const ImageButton = styled(ButtonBase)(({ theme }) => ({
  position: "relative",
  height: 200,
  [theme.breakpoints.down("sm")]: {
    width: "100% !important", // Overrides inline-style
    height: 100,
  "&:hover, &.Mui-focusVisible": {
    zIndex: 1,
    "& .MuiImageBackdrop-root": {
      opacity: 0.15,
    "& .MuiImageMarked-root": {
      opacity: 0,
    "& .MuiTypography-root": {
      border: "4px solid currentColor",
                position: "relative",
                p: 4,
                pt: 2,
                pb: (theme) => `calc(${theme.spacing(1)} + 6px)`,
              <ImageMarked className="MuiImageMarked-root" />

Answer №1

Ensure that you include the following essential code snippets in the provided code:

"&::before": {
  content: '""',
  borderTop: "2px solid white",
  borderRight: "2px solid white",
  animation: "borderTopRight 3s infinite alternate",
"@keyframes borderTopRight": {
  "0%": {
    width: "0px",
    height: "0px",
  "25%": {
    width: "200px",
    height: "0px",
  "50%": {
    width: "200px",
    height: "48px",
  "100%": {
    width: "200px",
    height: "48px",

"&::after": {
  content: '""',
  borderTop: "2px solid white",
  borderRight: "2px solid white",
  animation: "borderBottomLeft 3s infinite alternate",
"@keyframes borderBottomLeft": {
  "0%": {
    width: "0px",
    height: "0px",
    opacity: 0,
  "50%": {
    width: "0px",
    height: "0px",
    opacity: 0,
  "50.1%": {
    width: "0px",
    height: "0px",
    opacity: 1,
  "75%": {
    width: "200px",
    height: "0px",
    opacity: 1,
  "100%": {
    width: "200px",
    height: "48px",
    opacity: 1,

Make sure to integrate this code into the styled component that you want to animate.

To view the original source code mentioned in the video, visit: Create Border Length Animation with Pure CSS

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