Creating a Bootstrap 4.1 dropdown submenu on hover: A step-by-step guide

Currently, I am developing a website and I am looking to implement a dropdown submenu on hover using Bootstrap 4.1.

Here is the HTML code snippet I have utilized to create the hover dropdown menu:

<div class="navbar-collapse text-center" id="navbarResponsive">
  <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">

    <li class="nav-item dropdown">
      <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownMenuLink" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
      main menu
      <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">A</a>
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">B</a>
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">C</a>
        <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">D</a>

    <button type="submit" onclick="location.href='/M';" class="btn btn-default">R</button>



I am looking for suggestions on modifying the code above to display dropdown items E, F, G, H on hover of item D.

Answer №1

Here is a solution that may assist you...

.dropdown:hover>.dropdown-menu {
  display: block;
.dropdown-item:hover>.dropdown-menu {
  display: block;
ul li{
display: inline;

.navbar-nav .nav-link{display:inline-block;}
.ml-auto {display:inline-block!important;}

.dropdown>.dropdown-toggle:active {
  pointer-events: none;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en>

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

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  <title>Dropdown submenu on hover</title>


  <div class="navbar-collapse text-center" id="navbarResponsive">
    <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
 <li class="nav-item dropdown">
        <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownMenuLink" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
          Main menu
        <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">A</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">B</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">C</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownMenuLink" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
        <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">E</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">F</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">G</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">H</a>

  <script src="" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
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Answer №2

Check out this CodePen link for the answer you're looking for: link

Simply create a structure like this

    <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">D <b class="caret"></b></a>
    <ul class="dropdown-menu multi-level">
        <li><a href="#">E</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">F</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">G</a></li>
        <li class="divider"></li>
        <li class="dropdown-submenu">
            <a href="#" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">H</a>
            <ul class="dropdown-menu">
                <li><a href="#">I</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">J</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">K</a></li>

The complete code is available in the CodePen link provided above in this response.

Answer №3

To implement the desired functionality, you just need to include the following CSS code.

.dropdown:hover>.dropdown-menu {
  display: block;

.dropdown>.dropdown-toggle:active {
  pointer-events: none;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Smlep5jCw/wG7hdkwQ/Z5nLIefveQRIY9nfy6xoR1uRYBtpZgI6339F5dgvm/e9B" crossorigin="anonymous">

  <title>Dropdown submenu on hover</title>


  <div class="navbar-collapse text-center" id="navbarResponsive">
    <ul class="navbar-nav ml-auto">
      <li class="nav-item dropdown">
        <a class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" href="#" id="navbarDropdownMenuLink" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
          main menu
        <div class="dropdown-menu" aria-labelledby="navbarDropdownMenuLink">
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">A</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">B</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">C</a>
          <a class="dropdown-item" href="#">D</a>
      <button type="submit" onclick="location.href='/M';" class="btn btn-default">R</button>

  <script src="" integrity="sha384-q8i/X+965DzO0rT7abK41JStQIAqVgRVzpbzo5smXKp4YfRvH+8abtTE1Pi6jizo" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <script src="" integrity="sha384-ZMP7rVo3mIykV+2+9J3UJ46jBk0WLaUAdn689aCwoqbBJiSnjAK/l8WvCWPIPm49" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
  <script src="" integrity="sha384-o+RDsa0aLu++PJvFqy8fFScvbHFLtbvScb8AjopnFD+iEQ7wo/CG0xlczd+2O/em" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>


Answer №4

  1. To begin, start by creating a new CSS file with any name you prefer. For example, I named mine "personal_style.css".
  2. Now, link this file to your webpage after the Bootstrap link. Your code should look similar to the example below:

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bootstrap.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="personal_style.css">
  3. Next, add the snippet below to your custom CSS file. Remember not to modify the original Bootstrap file to avoid complications during updates.

li.dropdown:hover > .dropdown-menu {
    display: block;

Answer №5

If you're designing for mobile, consider using the :hover style within a media query to make elements clickable. See the example below:

/* ============ mobile view ============ */
@media all and (max-width: 991px) {
    .navbar .nav-item .dropdown-menu{ display: none; }
    .navbar .nav-item:hover .nav-link{ color: #fff;  }
    .navbar .nav-item:hover .dropdown-menu{ display: block; }
    .navbar .nav-item .dropdown-menu{ margin-top:0; }
/* ============ mobile view .end// ============ */

You can also enhance user experience by adding fade animation. Check out this code for more details:

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