Creating a bold portion of a string

My task involves dynamically creating <p> elements within a div based on the contents of my codeArray, which can vary in size each time. Instead of hard-coding these elements, I have devised the following method:

    if(factArray[i] != 0){
      let para = document.createElement('p');
      let node = document.createTextNode(codeArray[i] + " = " + factArray[i]);

      let element = document.getElementById('leftModal');

One challenge I am facing is how to make the first part of the string (before '=') appear bold while keeping the second part (factArray[i]) in normal font weight. Is there a solution for achieving this formatting?

Answer №1

To make text bold, simply wrap the desired text within a b element. B elements are typically used for bolding text in default browser stylesheets.

  for (i = 1; i < codeArray.length; i++) {
    if (factArray[i] != 0) {
      let para = document.createElement('p');
      let bold = document.createElement('b');
      let boldNode = document.createTextNode(codeArray[i]);
      let node = document.createTextNode(" = " + factArray[i]);

      let element = document.getElementById('leftModal');

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