Answer №1

As seen here on Stack Overflow, there won't be a customized version of Bootstrap 4 available. Therefore, you'll need to manually build the Sass files. One way to do this is by utilizing the sass npm package.

I've personally developed a tool that streamlines Sass compilation and vendor prefixing, which has been effective in compiling Bootstrap. Here's a simple setup to begin with:

npm i bootstrap@4 sass-plus -D

Create a file named app.scss and import Bootstrap within it:

@import "bootstrap/scss/bootstrap";

Compile the file:

npx sass-plus -i app.scss -o compiled.css

You should now see all the Bootstrap classes in the compiled.css file. Any changes made to the app.scss file can be recompiled, resulting in updated CSS that can be linked to your HTML documents.

By importing Bootstrap components individually and adjusting the variables, you can modify the appearance of your site and control the size of the compiled CSS file.


Answer №2

Excellent query! In the past, Bootstrap 3 offered a customize feature as you mentioned.

If you're looking to tailor your Bootstrap experience, you might want to check out this handy build tool: . It seems like a promising editor, although I'm not certain if it's meant to replace the BS3 customization page or introduce something entirely new.

Alternatively, you could craft a personalized version of Bootstrap 4 using SASS.

For further details on creating a theme, take a look at this link:

Answer №3

It seems that the Bootstrap team has no plans to offer a customizer similar to what was available in version 3.

While offers a user-friendly interface and access to most variables and options, it is not updated as quickly as new Bootstrap releases.

Another option is, but it does not specify which version of Bootstrap 4 it uses and only provides limited variable and option access.

For full access to all variables and options, is recommended. This tool is regularly updated with Bootstrap 4 releases, although its UI may not be as visually appealing as

(Full disclosure: The creator of

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