Create a table that allows one column to have ample space, while ensuring that the other columns have uniform widths

This HTML/CSS creation features the following:

However, the challenge lies in making the Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor, Very Poor columns equal in width while still allowing the "question" column to adjust its width according to the length of the question.

Answer №1

Consider this styling example:

Custom CSS

    width: 25%;
    width: 15%;

Sample HTML

        <td class="question_col">Questions</td>
        <td class="answer_col">Very Good</td>  
        <td class="answer_col">Good</td>
        <td class="answer_col">Fair</td>
        <td class="answer_col">Poor</td>
        <td class="answer_col">Very Poor</td>
        <td>Very Good</td>  
        <td>Very Poor</td>

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