Create a sleek and innovative tree user interface in a single line with the power of Angular and fxF

I created a tree with parent and child nodes, but I'm facing an issue where the positions of the checkboxes are not aligned in a straight line. Here is my code snippet:

<mat-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node" matTreeNodeToggle>
        <button mat-icon-button disabled></button>
        <td fxFlex="150px" fxLayoutAlign="start">
        <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
            <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_view"></mat-checkbox>
        <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
            <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_insert"></mat-checkbox>
        <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
            <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_update"></mat-checkbox>
        <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
            <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_delete"></mat-checkbox>
        <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
            <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_export"></mat-checkbox>
        <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
            <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_upload"></mat-checkbox>
        <td fxFlex="130px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
            <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.need_approve"></mat-checkbox>
<mat-nested-tree-node *matTreeNodeDef="let node; when: hasChild">

    <div class="mat-tree-node">
        <button mat-icon-button matTreeNodeToggle>
                {{tc.isExpanded(node) ? 'keyboard_arrow_down' : 'chevron_right'}}
        <tr >
            <td fxFlex="150px" fxLayoutAlign="start">
          <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
              <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_view" (change)="update('can_view',,$event.checked)" ></mat-checkbox>
          <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
              <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_insert" (change)="update('can_insert',,$event.checked)"></mat-checkbox>
          <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
              <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_update" (change)="update('can_update',,$event.checked)"></mat-checkbox>
          <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
              <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_delete" (change)="update('can_delete',,$event.checked)"></mat-checkbox>
          <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
              <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_export" (change)="update('can_export',,$event.checked)"></mat-checkbox>
          <td fxFlex="100px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
              <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.can_upload" (change)="update('can_upload',,$event.checked)"></mat-checkbox>
          <td fxFlex="130px" fxLayoutAlign="center">
              <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="node.need_approve" (change)="update('need_approve',,$event.checked)"></mat-checkbox>
    <div style="margin-left:1em" [hidden]="!tc.isExpanded(node)">
        <ng-container matTreeNodeOutlet></ng-container>

In my project, I have implemented a tree structure with parent-child relationships, but I am looking to align the checkboxes in a single line.

Answer №1

The solution you're seeking is right here: MatTreeNodePadding. This handy feature allows you to set the padding for each level using matTreeNodePaddingIndent. By default, it follows the material design menu sub-menu specifications with a 40px indent.

To implement this, simply include it in your mat-tree-node as shown below:

<mat-tree-node ... matTreeNodePadding matTreeNodePaddingIndent="0">

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