Create a continuous scrolling tool similar to Google Reader for iGoogle

Do you know how to create an infinite scroll widget similar to Google Reader on iGoogle? This widget should be able to dynamically load data as the user scrolls, and replace the traditional scroll bar with a pair of up and down arrows.

The HTML structure I am working with looks like this:

<div id="note_column">
    <ul class="messages">
        <li class="note">

I attempted to implement the infinite scroll functionality within this div using the following code snippet:

$(".messages).wrap("<div id='scrollbox'></div>"); 
    'height': '50em',
    'overflow': 'scroll',
    'overflow-y': 'hidden'
}).scroll(function() {
    // Check if user has scrolled to the bottom
    // Load new list items if needed

Unfortunately, by hiding the vertical scroll bar, it appears that the scroll event handler is being disabled.

I am currently puzzled about how to hide the scrollbar while retaining the functionality of the scroll event handler. If you have any insights or suggestions regarding my implementation, please share them with me.

Thank you in advance. alt text

Answer №1

There are two key elements to consider...

1) Incorporating Infinite Scroll Functionality

To implement infinite scroll, you can utilize AJAX technology. Once you observe that the last few items are within the visible area, you can send an AJAX request to retrieve the next "n" items and append them to the end of the list.

2) Substituting Scrollbars with Arrow Buttons

This process entails applying the CSS property "overflow: hidden;" to the container to eliminate the display of scrollbars. Additionally, you will need to insert images for up and down arrows. By triggering a click event on these images, you can adjust the scrolling position of the container.

If you encounter any challenges, feel free to showcase your progress or specify where you are encountering difficulties. Should you require someone to provide a solution, there may be a fee involved. Alternatively, you can access open source resources, similar to what is provided here.

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