Crafting hover effects in Dreamweaver

Looking for a hover-over tutorial that divides the page in half? Check out these two diagrams below:

Basically, when hovering over any of the 3 buttons, I want to display another list of buttons below by expanding a section of the page underneath the buttons – essentially splitting it.

I'm not familiar with the HTML code needed for this. I am using Dreamweaver CS6, so if there is a feature that can help achieve this, please let me know.

Answer №1

Discover 2 methods to determine which one suits your needs best.

Access the desired feature from the sidebar menu:

Utilize a multi-tiered menu system by navigating to: -Insert/Layout/Spry Menu Bars

Display diverse content within each tab by using: -Insert/Layout/Spry Tabbed Panels

Navigate to the desired functionality from the top menu:

-Insert/Spry/Menu Bars

-Insert/Spry/Spry Tabbed Panels

Mastering these Spry features is straightforward. Best of luck in your endeavors.

(I hope I've accurately translated this, as my Dreamweaver is in a non-English language)

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