What could be causing the if statement to evaluate as false even though the div's style.display is set to 'block'?

Building a react application using createreactapp and encountering an issue with an if statement that checks the CSS display property of a div identified as step1:

const step1 = document.getElementById("step-1")  

    if (step1.style.display === 'block') {
              } else {

The CSS styling for the div is defined as follows:

    .step-1 {
           display: block;

Despite this, the console consistently logs 'false' instead of 'true' when checking the if statement.

I've simplified the problem to focus on potentially hiding the div based on the CSS display property value check. Unfortunately, it's not functioning as expected.

Regarding the HTML structure, it consists of a basic div with some content:

<div className="step-1" id="step-1">
 Some content ....

Answer №1

When reviewing the inline styles of <code>step1
, using
if (step1.style.display === 'block') {
will accurately determine if the style is present. However, if you simply want to check if it currently contains that particular style, you should utilize:

 const styles = window.getComputedStyle(step1);
 if (styles.getPropertyValue('display') === 'block') {
     // perform desired actions

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