If you're in a pinch and need a solution, try this unconventional method (which works in most scenarios):
public String convertToCssSelectorString(By by) {
String byString = by.toString();
if (byString.startsWith("By.id: ")) {
return "#" + byString.replaceFirst("By\\.id: ", "");
} else if (byString.startsWith("By.className: ")) {
return "." + byString.replaceFirst("By\\.className: ", "");
} else if (byString.startsWith("By.cssSelector: ")) {
return byString.replaceFirst("By\\.cssSelector: ", "");
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported selector type: " + byString);
This method may not cover all types of selectors, but you can customize it to fit your needs. Unfortunately, it's unlikely to work with xpath selectors.