"Controlling Selected Options in Bootstrap Dual Listbox: A Guide to Limiting Choices

I am utilizing the Bootstrap Dual Listbox plugin to assist users in selecting specific options.
I have successfully integrated this plugin into my project. However, I encountered an issue when attempting to impose a limit on the number of options a user can choose.

For instance, consider the following options:

  • Apple
  • Mango
  • Orange
  • Melon
  • Guava

In this scenario, users must select exactly 3 options and cannot choose options 1, 2, 4, or 5.

The problem revolves around restricting the number of options that can be chosen. By default, users are not confined by any limitations.

Here is a segment of my code:

<script src="<?php echo $baseurl; ?>assets/js/plugins/dual/dist/jquery.bootstrap-duallistbox.js"></script>
<link href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?>assets/js/plugins/dual/dist/bootstrap-duallistbox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all">

<div id="addimeiform" class="box-content form-horizontal">
    <select multiple="multiple" id="imei_multi" name="duallistbox_demo1">
             while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
                 echo "<option>".$row['imei']."</option>";

    var demo1 = $('[name=duallistbox_demo1]').bootstrapDualListbox();

If you've encountered a similar issue, please feel free to share your solutions here. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

  1. Utilize the event change
  2. Tally the number of selected values
  3. If there are more than three, unselect the extras
  4. Implement the function refresh

demo2.on('change', function(){
    var size = demo2.find(":selected").size();
    if(size > 3){
        demo2.find(":selected").each(function(ind, sel){            
            if(ind > 2)
                $(this).prop("selected", false)
        demo2.bootstrapDualListbox('refresh', true);


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