Contrasting Firefox Experience on Mac and Windows

I'm experiencing some issues with a website that is displaying differently in Firefox on Windows compared to Mac. I did some research online to see if there are any known differences in CSS rendering between the two versions of Firefox, but it doesn't seem like there should be any. Does anyone have any insights into potential discrepancies between Firefox on Mac and Windows, even when they're running the same version?

The specific problem I'm encountering is related to vertical centering using the pseudo-element ::before.

Here is the page where the issue can be seen.

Answer №1

After some investigation, I discovered the issue: there was a discrepancy with how an inline-block element's width of 100% rendered on Windows versus Mac. Strangely enough, on Windows there appeared to be an extra "whitespace" after the 100% inline-block, while on Mac this white-space did not exist.

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