Connecting pages through index.html within the hosting file manager directory

I have just started my coding journey and recently signed up for ipage hosting. After uploading my .html files to a directory named "Website", I encountered an issue while trying to link multiple pages to the index.html home page. I tried using the code

  • Blank
  • for each file, but it didn't work as expected. Another attempt with
    <li><a href="/website/page2.html">Blank</a></li>
    also failed. Whenever I clicked on a link from the index.html page, a "Page Not Found" error message would appear, suggesting that the page was removed or temporarily unavailable. Despite trying different solutions, such as checking the spelling and using search engines like Google, I remain stuck in this predicament. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

    Answer №1

    There are instances where not only the directory name is case sensitive, but it could also be that the Website directory serves as your website's root directory. In order to determine which link works, I would suggest placing these links in the index.html file and testing them:

    <li><a href="/Website/page2.html">Blank</a></li> 
    <li><a href="/page2.html">Blank</a></li> 
    <li><a href="page2.html">Blank</a></li> 

    Answer №2

    It appears that your files are all located in one central folder. If this is the case, you can easily follow these steps:

    <li><a href="page2.html">Blank</a></li>

    Having /Website/ in the same directory is unnecessary and may cause errors in your code.

    Answer №3

    Have you thought about eliminating the first slash from your link?

    Consider changing your hyperlink to:

    <a href="website/page2.html">Click Here</a>

    Keep in mind that directory and file names are case sensitive.

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