Conceal div elements containing identical information by utilizing jQuery

I'm dealing with a webpage that pulls in a long section of divs from another application. Unfortunately, I can't filter the divs before they appear, but I urgently need to hide any duplicate data within certain values using jQuery.

The duplicated divs will always be next to each other and only come in pairs (never more than two divs with the same data). However, there could be multiple pairs of duplicates on one page. In total, there will never be more than 25 .data-results divs on the page.

For example, in the lengthy code snippet provided below, since #a-2 and #a-3 have identical values for .data-one-result AND .data-two-result, I must completely hide one of those divs (either one works), while leaving #a-1 and #a-4 unchanged. The values in .data-three are irrelevant and will differ even within duplicate divs.

(edit: changed date-one to data-one due to a typo)

<div class="data-results" id="a-1">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="data-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">85</span>

     <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">200</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-2">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="data-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

     <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">300</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-3">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="data-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

    <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">400</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-4">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="data-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$30</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

    <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">500</span>


Answer №1

Here's a suggestion: You can loop through all the data-results divs and compare the results of the current div with the next div. If the results match, then hide the next div.

IMPORTANT - Please note that you have date-one and data-two where date-one should actually be changed to data-one for consistency in the code. I've written the code using date-one, so make sure to adjust it in your HTML code accordingly.

        var $nextDiv = $(this).next('');
        if($nextDiv.length > 0)
           var thisResultOne = $(this).find(' .data-one-result').text();
           var nextResultOne = $nextDiv.find(' .data-one-result').text();
           var thisResultTwo = $(this).find(' .data-two-result').text();
           var nextResultTwo = $nextDiv.find(' .data-two-result').text();
           if(thisResultOne == nextResultOne && thisResultTwo == nextResultTwo)
<script src=""></script>
<div class="data-results" id="a-1">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="date-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">85</span>

     <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">200</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-2">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="date-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

     <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">300</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-3">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="date-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

    <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">400</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-4">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="date-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$30</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

    <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">500</span>


Answer №2

Utilize the each() and slice() functions to compare span values with preceding elements.

$('.data-holder > div').each(function(){
    var currElement = $(this);
    var index = $('.data-holder > div').index($(this))-1;
    var previousElements = $('.data-holder > div').slice( 0, index <= 0 ? 0 : index );
           $('span',this).first().text() == $('span', currElement).first().text() && 
           $('span',this).last().text() == $('span', currElement).last().text()
<script src=""></script>
<div class="data-results" id="a-1">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="date-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">85</span>

     <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">200</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-2">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="date-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

     <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">300</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-3">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="date-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$50</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

    <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">400</span>


<div class="data-results" id="a-4">
  <div class="data-holder">

    <div class="date-one">
    <span class="data-one-label">One:</span>
    <span class="data-one-result">$30</span>

    <div class="data-two">
    <span class="data-two-label">Two:</span>
    <span class="data-two-result">75</span>

    <div class="data-three">
    <span class="data-three-label">Three:</span>
    <span class="data-thee-result">500</span>


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