Conceal a designated H2 identifier through the use of either javascript or CSS

We are currently exploring Zendesk for our customer support website, but we have encountered some limitations in terms of customization. Our goal is to remove specific text from the page by utilizing Zendesk's widgets function, which can be implemented using JavaScript or CSS.

Specifically, we are attempting to hide the following h2 tag while maintaining the overall display:

<h2 id="search_box">Knowledge Base &amp; Forums</h2>

Initially, we tried achieving this with the following CSS code:

.search_box {
    display: none;

However, it appears that our attempts were unsuccessful. As I am not well-versed in either CSS or JavaScript, and uncertain about when these widgets are executed, I suspect there may be a mistake in how I am trying to access the element on the page.

I managed to hide the desired text using a combination of JavaScript and CSS codes, but it does not meet my requirements as it hides all instances of the specified text on the page:


$j('h2:contains(Knowledge Base & Forums)').addClass('forumtitle');


.forumtitle {
    display: none;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

#search_box {
    visibility: hidden;

. is used to target classes, while # represents ids

Answer №2

Here's a helpful tip for your CSS:

#search_box {
    visibility: hidden;

Answer №3

For those interested in utilizing jQuery, consider implementing the following...

        if(trim($(this).html()) == "Knowledge Base & Forums") {

Answer №4

It seems like your CSS is not correctly applied to hide the element with the id of `search_box`. To do this, you should use the following CSS code:

#search_box {
    display: none;

Remember, when targeting an id in CSS, you should use # before the id name, while using . for classes.

Answer №5

In JavaScript, you can use

document.getElementByID("search_box").style.visibility = 'hidden';
to hide the search box.

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