Conceal a certain element in development using CSS

Is there a way to hide the footer section from my webpage without affecting the rest of the content?

For example, using something like: "div class="poweredby" display: none", but I'm unsure of the correct method... Here is the specific Div class that I want to apply this attribute to:

<div class="poweredby">
    <p class="report">If you believe this site is spam or abuse,
        <a id="reportLink" target="_blank" href="">report it here.</a>
    <p class="poweredby-text">This website was created using <a href="" target="_blank">SEMTotal</a>.</p>

Answer №1

Have you experimented with this method:

<div class="hidden" style="display: none">

You have the option to apply the attribute directly using the style attribute as shown in the code sample above, or through a separate .css file like the example below

  display: none;

Answer №2

Another option is to utilize JavaScript in order to conceal an element, such as:

document.querySelector('.hide').style.visibility = "hidden";

Answer №3

<div class="poweredby hide">
    <p class="report">In case of spam or abuse,
        <a id="reportLink" target="_blank" href="">report here.</a>
    <p class="poweredby-text">This website utilized the services of <a href="" target="_blank">SEMTotal</a> for its creation.</p>

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