Having some trouble programming my website for OceanGrownFin.com. Specifically, the CSS backgrounds for events, video pop out, and twitter feed are not displaying properly when I scroll through the site. In the .less files, I pointed to the images I wanted to use but they aren't showing up. For example:
.cbx-event {
background: url(/assets/img/shows_bg.png)no-repeat center fixed;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-o-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;
background-size: cover;
color: #ffffff;
.cbx-inner {
.bg-rgba(@black-color, 0.8);
padding: 11rem 0 11.4rem;
.cbx-heading {
h2 {
i {
color: @white-color;
span {
background: @white-color;
In my event.less file, this is the code that's being used. I was advised to compile these .less files using Koala and WinLESS. However, when I try to compile them on both programs, I receive an error message:
C:\Users.........\themeforest-17690374-musix-music-band-html-template\ogf\assets\less\event.less NameError: variable @black-color is undefined in C:\Users\royal\Desktop\OG FIN WEB\themeforest-17690374-musix-music-band-html-template\ogf\assets\less\event.less:14:17
13 .cbx-inner {
14 .bg-rgba(@black-color, 0.8);
15 padding: 11rem 0 11.4rem;
Apologies if this is too detailed, just trying to provide all the information I have. I have basic HTML knowledge but may have missed something simple.