Comparing jQuery's min-width and width properties: A guide on eliminating pixels

Exploring some basic jQuery and JavaScript here.

When I use the .width() method, I get an integer value. However, when I use .css('min-width'), it returns a value in pixels which makes it challenging to perform calculations. What would be the best approach to handle this situation?

alert($('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').width() >= $('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').css('min-width'));

if ($('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').width() >= $('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').css('min-width')) {

Answer №1

To achieve this, utilize the replace() method as shown below:

alert($('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').css('min-width').replace('px', ''));

Another approach would be to employ the parseInt function like so:

alert(parseInt('1px')); //Output: 1

Answer №2

To improve efficiency, it is recommended to utilize the parseInt function. The jQuery methods .width() and .height() are also effective in this context.

Furthermore, creating separate functions for fetching these values would be beneficial:

  • .minHeight(), .minHeight( size ), .minHeight( function() )
  • .maxHeight(), ...
  • .minWidth(), ...
  • .maxWidth(), ...

Example implementation:

(function($, undefined) {

    var oldPlugins = {};

    $.each([ "min", "max" ], function(_, name) {

        $.each([ "Width", "Height" ], function(_, dimension) {

            var type = name + dimension,
                cssProperty = [name, dimension.toLowerCase()].join('-');

            oldPlugins[ type ] = $.fn[ type ];

            $.fn[ type ] = function(size) {
                var elem = this[0];
                if (!elem) {
                    return !size ? null : this;

                if ($.isFunction(size)) {
                    return this.each(function(i) {
                        var $self = $(this);
                        $self[ type ](, i, $self[ type ]()));

                if (size === undefined) {
                    var orig = $.css(elem, cssProperty),
                        ret = parseFloat(orig);

                    return jQuery.isNaN(ret) ? orig : ret;
                } else {
                    return this.css(cssProperty, typeof size === "string" ? size : size + "px");




Your code can then be simplified as shown below:

alert($('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').width() >= $('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').minWidth());
if ($('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').width() >= $('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').parent('.column4').minWidth()) {

Answer №3

To extract a numerical value without 'px' and convert it into a number, you can manipulate the string and utilize the parseInt function:

let widthValue = parseInt($('#<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').closest('.column4').css('width').replace('px', ''), 10);

Answer №4

One simple trick to remove the "px" after using .css('min-width') is to pass the return value to parseInt first.


(Remember to include the second parameter when using parseInt.)

Answer №5

console.log($('.<%=lstProcessName.ClientID%>').closest('.column4').css('max-width').substring(0, indexOf('px')));

Answer №6

To remove the "px" from the value obtained using min-width, you can use the substring method.

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