Customizing Material-UI styles using makeStyles

Currently, I am in the process of building a small portfolio website. Despite my attempts to style an avatar using the makeStyles class, it seems that the Mui avatar root is overriding my desired styling.

I am wondering if there is a way to achieve this without resorting to the use of !important?

export const HomePage = () => {
    const classes = useStyles()
    return (
        <Grid container justifyContent="center">
            <Avatar className={classes.headerAvatar} src={avatar} alt="" />

export const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
headerAvatar: {
        width: theme.spacing(13),
        height: theme.spacing(13),
        margin: theme.spacing(1)

Answer №1

As per the documentation, you have the option to customize the css style of the root class by utilizing the classes prop as demonstrated below:

export const HomePage = () => {
    const classes = useStyles()
    return (
        <Grid container justifyContent="center">
            <Avatar classes={classes} src={avatar} alt="" />

export const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  root: {
        width: theme.spacing(13),
        height: theme.spacing(13),
        margin: theme.spacing(1)

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