Compact HTML editor infused with AngularJS

Utilizing the TinyCME HTML editor with the angular directive, I am currently displaying the output of the editor - where the content is bound to the "description" property in the scope - within a div using ng-html-bind.

<div ng-bind-html="description" ></div>

While everything seems to be functioning correctly, I am noticing discrepancies between what is displayed in the editor and what appears in the div, especially in terms of styling such as background color and text color. Here is a preview of how it looks in the editor

And this is what I see in the div element:

It seems like the styles applied within the editor are being overridden by the styles defined at the div level.

Since I lack experience in CSS, I apologize for any misunderstanding on my part.

Ultimately, my goal is to mirror the appearance of the editor's output in the div, replicating the visual style exactly. Any suggestions or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

After successfully resolving the issue, it was discovered that the problem stemmed from ng-bind-html stripping out all styling information provided by the editor, resulting in a lack of styling.

The solution involved utilizing the AngularJS service $sec to instruct ng-bind-html not to remove any content from the HTML string.

In order to incorporate this functionality into an Angular expression, it was necessary to create a filter as shown below:

app.filter('trustAsHtml', ["$sce", function ($sce) { return $sce.trustAsHtml; } ] );

Subsequently, the filter could be utilized within a binding expression like so:

<div ng-bind-html="currentModel.description | trustAsHtml" ></div>

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