Combining existing CSS classes with node labels in Cytoscape JS for Angular: A Guide

My project follows a consistent CSS theme, but the node's CSS style doesn't match. I'm looking to adjust the label colors in the CSS based on whether it's day mode or night mode. How can I accomplish this? = cytoscape({
    container: document.getElementById(this.pageId),
    boxSelectionEnabled: false,
    autounselectify: true,
    zoomingEnabled: true,
    panningEnabled: true,
    autoungrabify: false,
    elements: this.nodes,    
    style: [{
      selector: 'node',
      style: {
        'height': 'data(cpu)',
        //'shape': 'circle',
        'background-image': 'data(HealthImage)',
        'background-fit': 'contain contain',
        'background-color': '#f5f7fa',
        'label': 'data(' + this.nodeName + ')',
        'cssClass': 'form-group', //I attempted this but it didn't work
        "text-valign": "bottom",
        "text-halign": "center",
        "font-size": "12px",
        "text-margin-y": "8px"

Answer №1

If you want to customize the style of cytoscape js, you can use JavaScript codes to do so. One approach could be setting a timer to automatically change the style or periodically checking the time and adjusting the style accordingly.

For more information on styling in cytoscape js, check out .

Answer №2 = cytoscape({
    container: document.getElementById(this.pageId),
    boxSelectionEnabled: false,
    autounselectify: true,
    zoomingEnabled: true,
    panningEnabled: true,
    autoungrabify: false,
    elements: this.nodes,    
    style: [{
      selector: 'node',
      style: {
        'height': 'data(cpu)',
        //'shape': 'circle',
        'background-image': 'data(HealthImage)',
        'background-fit': 'contain contain',
        'background-color': '#f5f7fa',
        'label': 'data(' + this.nodeName + ')',
        'cssClass': 'form-group', //tried this didn't work
        "text-valign": "bottom",
        "text-halign": "center",
        "font-size": "12px",
        "text-margin-y": "8px"
    }, {
      selector: '.day',
      style: { "text-background-color": "white" }
    }, {
      selector: '.night',
      style: { "text-background-color": "black" }

Next step is to assign the correct class to each node for proper display. Don't forget to remove any inactive classes before adding a new one.

 cy.elements().toggleClass('day').toggleClass('night');  // In case this doesn't work, consider using add/removeClass instead

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