Having some trouble with this layout, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
The CSS DIV I'm working with is called wrapper and has a width of 1260px:
#wrapper {
width: 1260px;
Inside the wrapper DIV, there are three columns named column-left, column-mid, and column-right:
#column-left {
width: 245px;
float: left;
#column-mid {
width: 55.55555555555556%; /* (700px/1260px) */
margin-left: 35px;
margin-right: 35px;
#column-right {
width: 245px;
This setup creates a three-column structure within the wrapper div. The middle column "column-mid" has a percentage-based width set. Ideally, it should adjust to be 700px wide, which is 55.55555555555556% of the wrapper div's width (1260px).
At the current resolution, everything looks good. However, when I change the wrapper div's width to, for example, 1400px, the column-mid div doesn't expand properly. Instead of increasing to 794px as expected based on the new wrapper width, it only goes up to 775px.
Why does the column-mid div stop at 775px? My goal is for the left and right columns to stay fixed at 245px while the middle column dynamically adjusts according to the size of the wrapper div.