Combining a standard JSS class with Material-UI's class overrides using the classnames library

I am exploring the method of assigning multiple classes to an element in React by utilizing the classnames package from JedWatson, along with Material-UI's "overriding with classes" technique.

For reference, you can see an instance in MUI's documentation where they utilize classnames to assign multiple classes to an element (expand to view the source code in the example).

What I aim to do is merge a custom class that I have created using JSS with one that must override the MUI class. The classes in question are as follows:

const styles = {
    insetListItemText: { // Intended for targeting MUI's class
        '&:first-child': {
            paddingLeft: '1em',
    link: { // A standard JSS class
        textDecoration: 'underline',
        textDecorationColor: '#ccc',

In this scenario, I am trying to use classnames to apply both of these classes:

// import classNames from 'classnames'
            inset: classes.insetListItemText,
            []: true
    List item text

I am facing challenges in merging the two methodologies syntax-wise. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

It appears you are almost there. Essentially, the prop for classes does not expect a string of class names (which is what classnames returns), but rather a key-value object of predefined keys and your customized class names.

According to the documentation: , the LisItemText component accepts these values as keys for the classes prop: root, inset, dense, primary, secondary, textDense. Therefore, your JSX should resemble:

      inset: [Your custom JSS classes go here]
    List item text

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