Click the closest checkbox when the value equals the Jquery datatable

I am facing an issue where I need to add a class and click on a specific element in each row of my jQuery datatable if a certain value is equal. However, I am unable to successfully add the class to that element and trigger a click event.

<table id="userTable" class="display" width="100%">

jQuery(function($) {
  var extension = "1000";

  data = [
    ['User_488', 'User 1', 'disable'],
    ['User_487', 'User 2', 'disable'],
    ['User_477', 'User 3', 'disable'],
    ['User_490', 'User 4', 'disable'],
    ['1000', 'User 5', 'disable'],
    ['1001', 'User 6', 'enable'],
    ['1002', 'User 7', 'enable'],
    ['1004', 'User 8', 'enable']

  var t = $('#userTable').DataTable({
    "data": data,
    'columns': [{
      "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {
        var checkbox = $("<input/>", {
          "type": "checkbox"
        if (row[2] === "enable") {
          checkbox.attr("checked", "checked");
        } else {
        return checkbox.prop("outerHTML")
    }, {
      "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {
        return row[0];
    }, {
      "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {
        return row[1];
    order: []
  t.rows().every(function(rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) {
    var data =;
    var number = (t.cell(rowIdx, 0).data());
    if (number === extension) {
      console.log("[SUCCESS]: Found: " + extension);
      var ev = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
      ev.initEvent("click", true, true);
      return false;


However, despite my efforts, I keep receiving null for the dispatch element when trying to add the class.

To view the code, please visit this JSFiddle link.

Answer №1

Give this code snippet a try:

jQuery(function($) {
  var extension = "1000";

  data = [
    ['User_488', 'User 1', 'disable'],
    ['User_487', 'User 2', 'disable'],
    ['User_477', 'User 3', 'disable'],
    ['User_490', 'User 4', 'disable'],
    ['1000', 'User 5', 'disable'],
    ['1001', 'User 6', 'enable'],
    ['1002', 'User 7', 'enable'],
    ['1004', 'User 8', 'enable']

  var t = $('#userTable').DataTable({
    "data": data,
    'columns': [{
      "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {
        var checkbox = $("<input/>", {
          "type": "checkbox"
        if (row[2] === "enable") {
          checkbox.attr("checked", "checked");
        } else {
        return checkbox.prop("outerHTML")
    }, {
      "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {
        return row[0];
    }, {
      "render": function(data, type, row, meta) {
        return row[1];
    order: []
  t.rows().every(function(rowIdx, tableLoop, rowLoop) {
    var data =;
    var number = (t.cell(rowIdx, 0).data());
    if (number === extension) {
      nth = rowIdx + 1;
      $('#userTable tbody tr:nth-child('+nth+')').find("input[type=checkbox]").trigger('click');
      return false;


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