Clear all CSS styles applied to a targeted division

My website built on Wordpress links to several CSS files. One specific div has its own unique style that is separate from the main Wordpress styles. Unfortunately, the Wordpress CSS ends up interfering with my custom div's layout. Is there a way in HTML/CSS/Javascript/jQuery for me to instruct a particular HTML element to completely disregard any previous styles applied to it?

I attempted using CSS reset stylesheets (), which helped remove some of the unwanted Wordpress styling, but the majority of my custom div still appears messy.

Answer №1

To apply a specific CSS style directly to an element, you can always set it on the element itself. Any styles applied directly to a DOM element will take precedence over styles specified in any stylesheet.

For example:

<div id="myid"></div>

You can apply a color style directly to this element using JavaScript:

document.getElementById('myid').style.color = "#FF0000";

The only thing that can override this is if another piece of JavaScript changes the property at a later time.

If the stylesheet declares the property as important, you may need to use the following:

document.getElementById('myid').style.color = "#FF0000 !important";

Answer №2

To target a specific element in CSS, you can add multiple classes to it and chain them together for selection.

For instance, consider the following set of four <div> elements:

.box {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    margin: 1em;
    border: 1px solid black;

/* Adding more properties */ {
    background: red;

/* Overwriting properties */ {
    border-radius: 100%;
    border-color: red;

/* Removing properties */ {
    border-radius: unset;
    background: unset;
    margin: unset;
<div class="box"></div>
<div class="red box"></div>
<div class="round red box"></div>
<div class="clear round red box"></div>

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