I am currently utilizing the fullcalendar tool from arshaw.com/fullcalendar to exhibit events on a calendar within our corporate intranet. I initially had the className attribute functioning properly, but after making some modifications to the code, I am now encountering an issue and cannot seem to determine why it is not working as intended. Here is the json data retrieved from my service:
"title":"4th of July Holiday (Day Off)",
Everything seems to be in working order, except for assigning the 'corporate' className to the event items displayed on the calendar.
Below is the piece of code that I am using during the document.ready state to load the calendar events. This section of code functions correctly; however, it is solely the classNames that are causing me trouble:
$("#calendar").fullCalendar('addEventSource', '/layouts/calendar/SitecoreCalendarEventsHandler.ashx?calendar=Corporate')
Additionally, I would like to mention that I am utilizing the most recent version available from arshaw.com (1.4.6).