Class for Eliminating the Background Image Using Bootstrap

Is there a Bootstrap class that can be used to remove a background image from a div?

Currently, I have this style defined in my CSS:

background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,0.1), rgba(0,0,0,0));

I would like to remove it using:


or any other method,

Could someone please provide guidance on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

‍‍‍No, however you have the option to include it on your own.

.bg-img-none {
    background-image: none !important;
.bg-none {
    background: none !important;

Answer №2

If you want to achieve a transparent background, you can simply use the bg-transparent class. This will not set the background to null, but rather adjust the transparency level to 0. For more information, you can visit the Bootstrap documentation, specifically on color backgrounds. Alternatively, you have the option of adding custom CSS to remove the background completely.

background-image: none;
background: none;

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