Chrome is inaccurately reporting the outerHeight value, while IE and FireFox are displaying it correctly

The jquery.smartWizard plugin includes a function called fixHeight that adjusts the height of a wizard step. It is utilized when displaying a step for the first time or revealing hidden divs within the step. The function works correctly in IE and FireFox, but in the latest version of Chrome, there is a discrepancy where the outerHeight value is significantly smaller than expected, by more than 100 pixels.

Below is the original function:

SmartWizard.prototype.fixHeight = function(){
    var height = 0;

    var selStep = this.steps.eq(this.curStepIdx);
    var stepContainer = _step(this, selStep);
    stepContainer.children().each(function() {
        if($(this).is(':visible')) {
             height += $(this).outerHeight(true);

    // These values (5 and 20) are experimentally chosen.
    //this.elmStepContainer.height(height + 12);

    stepContainer.animate({ "height": height - 12 }, 500);
    this.elmStepContainer.animate({ "height": height }, 500);


I have made adjustments to incorporate animations into the final steps. However, the issue persists whether using Chrome or not.

EDIT: I have created a fiddle to showcase the difference between IE and Chrome. When you click on 'member' and then 'non-member', you will notice different height values displayed in each browser.

EDIT2: Another fiddle has been provided to demonstrate how both browsers initially show the same height values until calculating visible elements, where Chrome's calculations veer off track.

Answer №1

Despite not being the ideal solution, I managed to identify the problem. Firefox and IE both include the height of all elements within the div, including break tags and anything that adds vertical space. In my opinion, Chrome is flawed in this aspect as it fails to account for these additional elements! It does not provide an accurate measurement of consumed vertical space.

To work around this issue, I decided to enclose the contents of the div within another dummy div. This way, jquery considers the height of the first child div and accurately calculates the height.

Answer №2

Dealing with a similar issue where a ScrollBar was positioned in the middle and the StepContainer failed to adjust its height accordingly.

I managed to resolve it by making a slight modification in jquery.smartwizard.js:

$this.elmStepContainer.height(_step($this, selStep).outerHeight());

Changed it to:

$this.elmStepContainer.height(_step($this, selStep).outerHeight() +20);

Adding 20 did the trick for me, and the problem disappeared completely.

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